About this blog

This blog is written exclusively (at least at this point) by me. My name is Jace. I live in Athens, Georgia, United States. I'm in my mid 20s, and I've tried to start blogs with the hope of starting a -real- discussion with other people about a variety of things.

This blog was originally created some time before its first apparent post as it was re-purposed from a more personal blog. The adult content warning comes from not wanting to censor the comments -unless- they are flat-out insulting. The content of the actual blog will rarely be any more than a little suggestive.

I took a quiz once called "What kind of liberal are you?" and got the result "Reality-Based Intellectualist", of which my browser is not convinced Intellectualist is a word. I suppose it is a good way to describe me, although I'd argue the term Reality-Based -should- be redundant. Everyone at least thinks their views are based on reality, but some are only pretenders. Maybe that's sort of the point of this blog, to find and further the idea of reality. Occasionally the content might be trivial compared to such a big idea, but reality covers, well, everything.

Humorthatworks.com has a 50 question get to know you thing, and in the spirit of this -also- serving as an about me page, I may as well partake in it, as typical as it is of a blog. I'm not going to do all 50, rather only a few.

What is one of your favorite quotes?
"Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon." ~ The Dalai Lama

What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Dishes. Hate em'. I love cooking. Hate doing dishes. It is a terrible coincedence, but I must love cooking more because I still do dishes when I need to.

If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?
I want to throw a party for myself. I came out of the closet on December 3rd, 2002, (10 years ago) and as of me writing this page, that date is coming up in a few weeks.

If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
I would want to witness any and all discussions about the creation of the U.S. Constitution, because we apparently have a lot of questions about what our forefathers meant. I'm not always big on the discussion about whether or not creating new precedents is a positive or negative thing, but think of an example. What would the forefathers think about the 2nd amendment considering today's guns and weapons? It would put a hole in one side of the issue or the other and give us some absolution.

Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
I don't get mistaken for any celebrities in person really. Some people are convinced that I look like Randy Roberts Potts.

What is your first memory of being really excited? I remember being 10 when the N64 came out, and that Christmas, we got one and The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time. My siblings and I played the original Zelda game several years before that, and that was quite possibly the most exciting childhood present I got. At the time it didn't seem like such a monumental present, but nowadays I look back on that pretty fondly. A gamer was born that day.

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